Standard Installation Procedure

1. Start Windows.

2. Insert the CD-ROM or download the setup file from the Solutions Cafe. Run the installation by selecting Install from the CD splash screen or double-clicking on the ProModel Professional Setup.exe file.

Please note

If the Setup Program did not open automatically, select Run... from the Windows Start menu. Type x:\install.exe (where x is the CD-ROM drive letter) and press ENTER. The CD splash screen will appear. Then select Install.

3. If any prerequisite components are needed the installation will install these for you. There may be a need to restart the machine. The installation will pick up where it left off every time.

4. The ProModel Setup will begin when you open the Welcome dialog box. Click Next to proceed with the installation.

5. Review the License Agreement. If you wish to accept the agreement and continue with the installation, select the button to accept the agreement, and then click Next.

6. On the next dialog box, select Standard option and click Next. (The network option will be covered in the next section. See Network Installation Procedures for details about the Network installation.)

7. On the next dialog box, select the Serial Number option if you are using a Serial Number to license ProModel. Enter your Serial Number in the text field. Select the Hardware Key option if you are using a Hardware Key. Enter the number printed on your Hardware Key in the text field. Click Next.

8. From the dialog box that appears, choose the setup type that best suits your needs. The Typical option includes most of the application options that a typical user will need. The Custom option will route you to a dialog box where you can optionally select features that are not required by the application to run. These options can be modified later from the Add/Remove Programs and Features options inside the Control Panel. See Custom Installation Procedures for more information about the Custom setup option. Click Next.

9. The Setup program is now ready to install ProModel on your computer. If you wish to make changes to the options you have previously selected, click the Back button to return to any point in the installation process. Otherwise, click Install to allow the Setup program to install ProModel.

10. Select Finish. When the installation is complete, run ProModel from the Windows Start menu. Upon running ProModel for the first time, you will be prompted to license ProModel. For instructions on licensing ProModel, see Licensing ProModelMedModelServiceModel.