Modeling How-To's > Resource Modeling > Using Multiple Resources

Using Multiple Resources

An activity or routing requires the use of multiple resources to perform the task.


The model used for this example, as well as all of the modeling "how-to" examples, can be found in the ProModel Solutions Café (


  1. Define the resources to be used by dragging resource shapes onto the layout.
  2. Open the properties dialog for the activity or routing.
  3. Click on the Logic button.
  4. In the Logic Builder define a USE statement specifying the resources (use the AND option) and the time of use. If multiple resources of the same type are required, you may specify the quantity of the resource needed. (Note: resources are automatically freed after the usage time. To keep the resources until a subsequent activity, use a GET statement instead of a USE statement.)

A dental procedure (Root Canal) requires the use of a Dentist and a Dental Assistant. The procedure itself takes 20 minutes.


The logic indicates that the Dentist and Dental Assistant will both be captured before the procedure can begin.

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