Modeling Environment

The Modeling Environment is everything contained within the ProModel window.

When you open a model or select New from the File menu, your screen appears with a menu bar across the top of the screen and a layout window. You will also be given access to the ProModel Shortcut Panel. For now, let's look briefly at the Shortcut Panel and then the menus accessible from the menu bar.

From the ProModel shortcut panel seen above, you may quickly access some of ProModel’s commonly used features:

Open a model Opens an existing model.

Install model package Loads an existing model package.

Run demo model Allows you to run a demonstration model. Immediately connects you with the ProModel support page on the PROMODEL Web site.

SimRunner Launches SimRunner.

Stat::Fit Launches Stat::Fit.

To simply begin working on a new model, close the Shortcut Panel and select New from the File menu. The Shortcut Panel can be opened again from the View menu.